Request for Qualifications for Flood Mitigation

Seeking Engineering Firms for Project
Resilient Coastal Communities Program Logo

Read the Full RFQ Here.


The Mid-East Commission on behalf of Belhaven, North Carolina is soliciting qualifications from engineering firms for engineering and design services for the “Wynne’s Gut Tidal Gates and Flood Attenuation” project. The town previously had engineering and design work completed by Moffat & Nichol Inc., but the project was unsuccessful in obtaining FEMA BRIC funding due to the benefit-cost analysis. The selected firm should start with the work already completed by Moffat & Nichol and make adjustments based on currently available funding programs. The town is seeking detailed engineering and design services which will be used to apply for available grant funding and to move forward into the permitting and construction phase of the project.  

Project Description 
This project is for design and engineering of the “Wynne’s Gut Tidal Gates and Flood Attenuation” project. The project proposes to improve overland flooding through improvements along Wynne's Gut. Improvements will include the creation of additional floodplain through grading improvements, erosion mitigation through vegetative plantings and the installation of pumps and tide gates along Wynne’s Gut.  

The floodplain improvements will reduce flooding, while the pumps will lower the water elevation during high water events, particularly during increasingly routine nuisance flooding. Additional floodplain improvements could include developing nature trails and other recreation areas, and/or installing natural levees. The pump sizing and feasibility was previously studied by Moffatt & Nichol Inc. and was found to be a viable solution to provide flood protection to minimize and mitigate backwater flooding effects. 

The existing Wynne's Gut watershed is approximately 138 acres and topographic elevations range from less than 0 feet to over 7 feet NAVD, with most of the watershed ranging from between 0 and 3 feet.  Critical watershed elevation was determined to be approximately 2.5 - 3.0' NAVD.   

PDF icon rfq_belhaven_wynnes_gut.pdf226 KB